Risk assessment

Risk assessment regarding the protection of persons, property and business is the first step on the path to create a security system and it represents an “anamnesis” of the situation in a complete business system.
Based on the risk assessment act, a company protection strategy is built and the necessary security resources are mobilized. The act of risk assessment has a preventive role, ie it contains all potential risks and dangers, but also a series of measures that will reduce the consequences in the event of a harmful event or emergency.

The preparation of the risk assessment act in the IGS is created by trained, educated and licensed employees, and it is complied with standard SRPS A.L2.003 (Safety and resilience of the company – Risk Assessment).
Reference list:
De Heus Factory, JKP Vodovod Sabac, JKP Bogatic Bogatic, GU Sabac, Vukochem and others.